On the early morning of 28th of september 8 hooded persons blocked a street in berlin in solidarity with the trial of "Alex, Christoph" and the "1st of mai prisoners". Garbage bins, fences and stuff from construction sites were put on the street as barricades. They were set on fire. The fire increased and also a car was catching fire. In the action flyers were handed out and a transparent opened with a slogan for Alex, Christoph and the 1st of may prisoners. Shortly after a big amount of police arrived. Nobody was arrested.
fontes: directactionde.blogspot.com
http://www.bz-berlin.de/tatorte/unbekannte-fackeln-muellcontainer-ab-article596894.html http://www.morgenpost.de/berlin/polizeibericht/article1180312/Autonome_zuenden_Muelltonnen_an.htmlhttp://www.berlinonline.de/berliner-zeitung/berlin/detail_dpa_22527326.php